Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tallest Tower?

According to my research, Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made tower in the world with a height of 828 m!!!
File:Burj Khalifa building.jpg
However, I did not know that till I researched it up. The first thing that came to mind when "tallest tower" was mentioned was the CN Tower.

Although it isn't the tallest structure, the structural concept is somewhat similar. The base is obviously the largest, holding up and supporting the whole weight of the building, while the top is extremely thin and small. As we learned recently, the centre of gravity is what supports the weight. Though in different objects, the centre of gravity varies, in buildings it is probably the centre and at the base of the structure. That's my assumption, but it's an educated guess and an obvious answer, unless of course I'm wrong. In terms of building our tower, I think we should have one realllllllyyyyyy long, but thin tube that will give our structure the height, supported by a large, heavy base... even though it's only newspaper.

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