Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Tallest Structure

I suppose you could say we were quite surprised that we managed to build the tallest structure, though it was a great feeling of success! However, although it managed to stand up, it was extremely unstable. Dennis' idea of building a big base in a pyramid set up was a good idea, but when it came down to actually rolling up the pieces of newspaper to make our structure, we realized that some of the pieces of newspaper were shorter and thinner while others were larger and thicker. Therefore, the bottom was uneven causing it to be very shaky and not stand properly. Nevertheless, we managed to balance it by shortening our tall thin tube and slowly bringing it up every time we thought our structure could handle the extra height. We even added a tape-flag-thing to add a couple centimeters of height to our strucutre.
Now I think we can all conclude that newspaper and tape aren't exactly the best materials for building structures, even if it's just for an in class task.

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