Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Right Hand Rules #1 and #2

Finding current and magnetism would be difficult without these visual, hands-on actions to help one solve the current and magnetism of conventional current flow for conductors (RHR#1) and coiled conductors/solenoids (RHR#2).
*note, all of these should be done with the RIGHT HAND, hence the name/title of these rules

Hold the conductor with the thumb pointing towards the direction of the conventional current flow (from +ve to -ve). The rest of your fingers should curl around the conductor and these curved fingers will point to the direction of the magnetic field of that conductor.
Current is represented by I and the magnetic field is represented by B.

Hold the coiled conductor with the rest of the fingers (meaning excluding the thumb) pointing towards the direction of the conventional current flow. The thumb should point to the direction of the magnetic field within the coil. On the outside of this coil, the thumb points towards the north pole of the electromagnet. This electromagnet follows the same lines of force/magnetic field lines as a normal magnet. The current flow from the north pole to the south pole in curved lines.


Therefore, when using this for RHR#1, point thumb towards you or away from you to figure out the magnetism.

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