Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kinematics Graphs

Today, we used motion detectors and a graph program to do our lab activity. We were given graphs, either distance vs time or velocity vs time, and we had to walk them accordingly. Though I wasn't too excited to do this lab at first, due to all the graphs we had to "describe" as a pre-lab activity yesterday, my feelings had changed during and after the lab. To me, this wasn't just a lab, it was a game. It was a game to beat everybody else's ability to match the graph and make mine better. Though it seems like a childish goal, it was still something I felt I HAD to achieve. In the end, I had one amazing graph that was almost IDENTICAL to the given graph. I must say, I am quite proud of myself.
The black line represents the given graph that must be matched and the red line represents the graph that one has walked.
(for some reason, the x axis seems to have disappeared)
To walk these graphs, you would have to start at the given position (a certain distance away from the origin or from the motion detector) and walk towards or away from that origin. The velocity may be consistent or may increase/decrease and sometimes you may have to stop. These factors all vary as the graphs are different and have different variables. 

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