Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Favourite Roller Coaster Design

Although I've been to a couple of amusement parks in my lifetime, the only one that I've been to recently and clearly remember is Canada's Wonderland. In terms of thrill, I'd have to go with Behemoth as my favourite roller coaster there, but I must give an honourable mention to Psyclone for it's ability to make me smile and laugh so widely that my saliva manages to escape my mouth. Yes, it is slightly, if not entirely, disgusting but I can't help it. However, in terms of design, I'd have to go with Wild Beast or Flight Deck.

No, there's nothing cool about Wild Beast besides the fact that it is made out of wood. It's just attractive to the eye in my opinion, but when you ride Wild Beast, I must say... it's not a pleasant feeling. It is extremely bumpy and you will feel nauseous (at least I do) and your head will hurt from the shakiness.

Flight Deck is another design I like simply because it has many curves and bumps and a loop or two (oh, and your feet get to hang during the ride). My descriptions are sort of weak and pathetic because I'm not exactly a roller coaster fanatic and I can't seem to think of descriptive adjectives, but I do enjoy riding them.

Here are some pictures of the roller coasters mentioned:



Wild Beast

Flight Deck